This is a big moment. No one but us may know why that is, but this blog has been a long time coming. Not only in the hours poured into building it and creating the content, but in the years of vacations and time we've spent discussing it.
We first talked about starting a blog after (probably even during) our first trip to Europe in 2017. We saved information from the trip, wrote a few drafts of post ideas, started building the site, and then just...didn't follow through. We continued talking about it but couldn't find the time to fully commit and make it what we envisioned.
The subject came up again after our trip to Asia in 2019. Again, saved information, drafted a few posts, discussed what the blog would look like and then...nothing. We didn't forget about it but there was a lot of talk and very little action. And by little action, we mean nothing. Except we did make an Instagram where we posted three times then forgot about it (@rachelsontherun in case you're interested). But hey, we got 18 followers! Small victory.
Now here we are, 3 years later. Committed. Can we get a hallelujah?
We're not experts by any means, but if there's one thing we love, it's talking about the trips we've been on and ways we fill our free time. And now, this gives us the platform to do so while living 1,500 miles apart and with many of our friends scattered across the country. Even if no one reads this, we'll have it for ourselves and we're okay with that.
If you know us personally, you surely know our life stories and the story of our friendship, but if you don't, it's all spelled out on the about page for your reading pleasure.
With everything going on in the world right now, this has been a light of positivity for us. It seems like the perfect time to bring this to life as we search for distractions from the endless string of negativity inundating us. We hope it brings you a small bit of joy, as well.
xo - the rachels